My Poland diary - Poland on film ( Part two )
in Krakow where the train leads me in only three hours. The train ride was calm.
I listened to music and wrote in my diary while I looked out of the window and
saw the monotonic, but very beautiful nature around me.
I have been writing letters with Anna for so many years now, we sent each other also
little messages and videos on the Internet and so I felt like I know so many parts of her already.
But when I stepped out of the train I saw this beautiful woman with the warmest smile
and I knew this week would be very special for me.
The home of Anna & Sebastian and their lovely cat Rumianek
is a warm and cozy place where the dinner Sebastian made while Anna picked
me up is already waiting for us. There is a drawer she emptied for my clothes and
a lovely place where I can sleep. I feel home.
Every evening they prepare a bread that will be baked in the morning so the warmth
and smell of it always greets me when I wake up. When I
step out of the little balcony beside my bed I see a foggy sky,
mighty trees and little Rumianek on his green chair who watches the blue tits
flying by.
We spent the next days by simply being together.
Walking trough the city that is colored in autumn. Passing the castle, little streets,
a nice café, delicious food and little shops.
We take pictures together and it feels so good to see my
photographer friend pressing the shutter and taking
pictures of me. Like it has always been that way.
I tasted Polish food and learned a few words that still fly
around my head now and then.
We go on walks near their home in nature. She shows
me this special little place by the birch trees and collect autumn treasures
for a nice bouquet for the dining table and to draw them and little mushrooms
with watercolors later.
It gets darker outside and the rain starts to make little sounds
on the roof window, that is right above me. Anna makes Pierogi filled with
cabbage for me with some onions that suit just perfect to
our mood and the weather.
The next day we met with lovely Irenka after Anna and I walked
trough art supply stores. We have a look at the photography museum and
eat very delicious Pierogi once again, but this time with spinach and cheese
in a bookstore she once worked in.
We share some tea, get our film developed in the lab and drive
to Irenka's home by bus where we spent a lovely evening.
The last day we were going to the mountains, but
this is another story I will save for you until the next post.